NM i pole

13. – 15. september / Lillestrøm kultursenter


21. juni – Signere Antidopingkontrakt WHEA her

16. august – Frist for å kansellere uten legeerklæring

16. august – Frist for kjøp av billetter til prop og coach

16. august – Frist for å sende inn musikk MP3 og kort tekst 

31. august – Frist for å sende inn ‘Difficulty sheet’


• Id
• Treningsdress (ankom gjerne i den)
• Yogamatte til oppvarmingsområde
• Sokker eller innesko
• Mat og drikke
• Sminke
• Antrekk du skal opptre med
• Props (kun Artistisk)
• Godt humør

DEADLINES (more to come):

21st June – sign antidoping contract with WHEA here.

16th August – deadline for cancellation without medical sertificate

16th August – deadline for bying ticket for props, companion & coach

16th August – frist for providing forms, light preferences (for Artistic) and music

16th August – deadline for providing the ‘difficulty sheet’

You will be deducted point for each day you fail to provide the documents in time.

What you have to bring with you to the competition:

• ID/ Passport that shows proof of • citizenship
• Tracksuit (gladly arrived in it)
• Yoga mat for warm-up
• Socks or indoor shoes
• Food and drink
• Makeup
• Outfit you will be performing with
• Props (Artistic only)
• Good mood

Become a volunteer
at the NM

We need help with various tasks, including: emceeing, setup, athlete assistance, judge assistance, first aid, and pole cleaning.

You do not need to be a federation member to volunteer at NM. To be a pole cleaner, you must be over 16 years old and able to climb up and down the pole.

Click the link above if you want to volunteer or contact us if you have more questions. nm@polesportnorge.no